Compliance/Risk Management Guidelines
Recognizing that rigorous compliance is absolutely essential for improving corporate value, the Punch Group has established a code of corporate ethics. Through extensive dissemination of the code, all officers and employees are aware that their conduct must comply with laws and regulations and meet the highest ethical standards.
The Company develops internal regulations governing risk management, as well as a risk management system. The system comprehensively identifies and assesses management and business risks that may affect our operations.
We have established a Risk Management Committee. The Committee identifies and assesses risks, while serving as a framework that ensures the thorough dissemination of compliance information throughout the entire Group through the implementation of ongoing employee education programs and training. The Company’s Risk Management Guidelines contain provisions to be implemented in the event of an unforeseen occurrence that could impact our operations.
Whistleblower system (Punch Hot Line)
We have set up the “Punch Hotline” as an internal reporting system that enables officers, employees, and anyone and everyone who has some involvement with the Company’s businesses to report problems, such as the discovery of a compliance-related matter. Adhering to a set of rules on whistleblowing, we strive to uphold internal controls and improve the system of in-house checks and balances. Reports are lodged anonymously to ensure the whistle-blower is not placed at a disadvantage.
Information Security
As a “business operator handling personal information” as defined in the Act on the Protection of Personal Information, we take every measure to manage personal information in a proper manner, with the awareness that any leakage or improper handling of the personal information we acquire or collect could lead directly to a loss of confidence in our Group. Under the manager of the General Affairs Department, who is appointed the responsibility of managing and protecting personal information, personal information management rules have been established, system security measures have been installed to ensure the safety of personal information, and training is provided to all officers and employees alike.