Disclosure Policy
Basic Policy
One of the Group’s Management Principles is “We will contribute to social development by embracing the spirit of environmental consideration and compliance and promoting sound corporate activities that are appreciated by society.” Based on this principle, the Company conducts corporate activities that are not only legally compliant, but also grounded in a high sense of ethics. At the same time, the Company seeks to promptly and actively conduct information disclosure in accordance with the principles of transparency, fairness, and continuity aimed at building relationships with shareholders, investors, and all other stakeholders and promoting an understanding of the Group’s activities.
Information Disclosure Method
Annual securities reports and other disclosure materials are registered and disclosed through EDINET that is provided by the Financial Services Agency, while information to which the Tokyo Stock Exchange’s Timely Disclosure Rules apply is registered and disclosed through TDnet provided by the Tokyo Stock Exchange. Subsequently, similar information is disclosed promptly through this website and to the mass media.
Furthermore, even for information for which the Timely Disclosure Rules do not apply, we work to ensure that this information is fairly and promptly communicated through wide disclosure that includes listing on this website.
Prevention of Insider Trading
The Group properly manages material information and has established internal regulations aimed at preventing insider trading that all executives and employees are made fully aware of.
Handling of Earnings Forecast and Forward-Looking Statements
In addition to past results, disclosure information also includes forward-looking statements based on the judgments of the Company using information that is currently available. These statements are subject to risks and uncertainties relating to the economic climate, market trends, changes to tax and legal systems, etc. Accordingly, the actual results that are released in the future may vary due to these factors.
Quiet Period
For the purpose of ensuring fairness for investors, the Company has established a quiet period from the day following the end of each quarter until the day the quarterly results are released. During this period we refrain from responding to or making comments relating to questions concerning results of earnings forecasts. However, if it is expected that there will be a significant divergence from earnings forecasts during the quiet period, we will conduct information disclosure as appropriate in accordance with the Timely Disclosure Rules.
Although utmost care is taken with the information contained on this website, we take no responsibility for the correctness, usefulness, or accuracy of this information should incorrect information be listed or for the possibility of incorrect information being contained due to computer malfunctions or fraudulent manipulation conducted by a third party. Furthermore, understand that the Company shall bear no responsibility for damages incurred due to listings of incorrect information or data downloads, etc.
Note that the information disclosed on this website does not represent all of the information the Company is required to disclose to securities exchanges and in some cases different forms of expression may be used than those used in disclosures made to securities exchanges. In addition, understand that the contents of this website may change without prior notice.
The information on this website is provided for the purpose of providing an understanding of the Company’s and Group’s business, management policies, financial position, etc., and none of the contents are intended to solicit investment in securities. We ask that users make investment-related decisions based on their own responsibility.
Please also refer to “Personal Information Protection Policy” and “Terms of Use” for details on the use of information contained on this website.